Exercise 1: Familiarizing yourself with Venus
指令用于指定程序的代码或文本段的开始。- 最后输出结果是34,表示斐波那契数列的第九项。
- n的地址是0x10000008
- 在运行过程中把t3改为0x0000000D
Exercise 2: Translating from C to RISC-V
loop和square中的代码汇编代码为c 中循环中的代码
Exercise 3: Factorial
1 | factorial: |
Exercise 4: RISC-V function calling with map
~~~assembly .globl map
.text main: jal ra, create_default_list add s0, a0, x0 # a0 = s0 is head of node list
#print the list
add a0, s0, x0
jal ra, print_list
# print a newline
jal ra, print_newline
# load your args
add a0, s0, x0 # load the address of the first node into a0
# load the address of the function in question into a1 (check out la on the green sheet)
la a1 square
# issue the call to map
jal ra, map
# print the list
add a0, s0, x0
jal ra, print_list
# print another newline
jal ra, print_newline
addi a0, x0, 10
ecall #Terminate the program
map: ### YOUR CODE HERE ### addi sp, sp, -12 sw ra, 0(sp) sw s0, 4(sp) sw s1, 8(sp)
beq a0, x0, done # If we were given a null pointer (address 0), we're done.
add s0, a0, x0 # Save address of this node in s0
add s1, a1, x0 # Save address of function in s1
lw a0 0(s0)
jalr s1
sw a0 0(s0)
lw a0 4(s0)
add a1 s1 x0 #事实上我把这行注释了也没问题
# recurse
jal ra, map
done: # Epilogue: Restore register values and free space from the stack lw ra, 0(sp) lw s0, 4(sp) lw s1, 8(sp) addi sp, sp, 12
jr ra # Return to caller
square: mul a0 ,a0, a0 jr ra
create_default_list: addi sp, sp, -12 sw ra, 0(sp) sw s0, 4(sp) sw s1, 8(sp) li s0, 0 # pointer to the last node we handled li s1, 0 # number of nodes handled loop: #do... li a0, 8 jal ra, malloc # get memory for the next node sw s1, 0(a0) # node->value = i sw s0, 4(a0) # node->next = last add s0, a0, x0 # last = node addi s1, s1, 1 # i++ addi t0, x0, 10 bne s1, t0, loop # ... while i!= 10 lw ra, 0(sp) lw s0, 4(sp) lw s1, 8(sp) addi sp, sp, 12 jr ra
print_list: bne a0, x0, printMeAndRecurse jr ra # nothing to print printMeAndRecurse: add t0, a0, x0 # t0 gets current node address lw a1, 0(t0) # a1 gets value in current node addi a0, x0, 1 # prepare for print integer ecall ecall addi a1, x0, ' ' # a0 gets address of string containing space addi a0, x0, 11 # prepare for print string syscall ecall lw a0, 4(t0) # a0 gets address of next node jal x0, print_list # recurse. We don't have to use jal because we already have where we want to return to in ra
print_newline: addi a1, x0, '' # Load in ascii code for newline addi a0, x0, 11 ecall jr ra
malloc: addi a1, a0, 0 addi a0, x0 9 ecall jr ra